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Leave Balances Widget in the Employee Portal

Instantly know if you are going low on 'leave fuel' β›½ to better distribute your work energies πŸ’ͺ

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents


The Leave Balances widget allows you to consult, with a quick glance, your leave balances according to your assigned leave types.

The Gauges

The single leave types are displayed as color-coded gauges.

The gauge's title is the Leave Type name and it's visible at the bottom section of the gauge.

Click on the number in the gauge to change units from Hours to Days or vice versa.

By ticking the Hide Zero Balances box, the zero balances gauges won't show anymore.

The Gauges' Colour Coding


The Indigo coloured area indicates your remaining leave balance until end of year.


The Grey area indicates the consumed leaves.


The Blue area indicates pending upcoming leave.


The Yellow area indicates approved upcoming leave.

Green and Orange

The Green marker on the outer Orange outline shows your Ideal Leave Balance.

The Ideal Leave Balance is your leave balance worked out pro-rata against the number of days remaining until the end of the year.

In other words, the Ideal Leave Balance is a suggested indicator of how the level of your leaves should look like to ideally have a healthy work-life balance throughout the year.

If you want to have an overview of the other widgets in the Employee Portal, click here.

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