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Processing Leave Requests as Admin

Submit and manage leave requests on behalf of other employees via the Leave Request Audit page

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over a week ago

⚠️ Notice: We use hyperlinks in this article. Click them to access different parts of the article, or resources and media such as related articles, video tutorials, and web pages.

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You know that leave can be requested from the Employee Portal using the Out of Office widget (if you have at least the 'Portal User' role assigned). This widget allows you to submit leave requests for yourself or on behalf of someone else according to the Organisation chart.
But there’s moreπŸ‘‚! You can also submit leave on behalf of other employees from the Leave Request Audit page within the Payroll & Leave module. However, please keep in mind that this method only applies to users with 'Administrator' or 'HR Administrator' roles assigned.

Keep reading to learn how to proceed πŸ‘‡.

⚠️ Important

The leave submitted from the Leave Request Audit section gets automatically approved. This means that they don't go through the approval process defined by the Organisation Chart.

Submitting the Employees' Leave Requests

To submit a leave request as Admin, navigate to Payroll & Leave > Leave > select the βž• Insert button. A bottom section will slide open upward.

  1. Start typing or select an Applicant using the magnifying glass icon πŸ”

  2. Input a date in the Date from/to fields.

  3. Choose the appropriate Leave group of the requested leave (e.g. Sick Leave, Vacation, etc.).

    1. You can alternatively choose a specific Leave type instead of a leave group, to deduct hours from.

  4. The Leave hour schedule field is greyed out, and shows the value currently assigned to the selected employee.

  5. Choose the Leave hour schedule detail for the requested leave.

    1. The options available depends on what you set up in Payroll & Leave > Leave hour schedule > select a leave hour schedule record > Dates tab > Details tab. More on this πŸ‘‰ here.

    2. Time from/to fields will appear only if you previously select a 'variable hours' leave hour schedule detail. This would allow you to enter a specific time frame (e.g. the employee works full time, but they need to take only two hours of leave during the day. In such scenario you would insert the starting and finishing time to cover those two hours leave.)

      πŸ“‹ Note
      When inserting a Time from/to, make sure to exclude your break from the chosen time frame, as the system doesn't exclude it by default for a 'variable hours' Leave hour schedule detail type.

      On the other hand, if you select for example 'Full Day' (non variable)β€”and you set up one hour break for thatβ€” the system will automatically exclude that hour from the leave request.
      We generally recommend use variable leave hour schedules for less than a full day of work (such as one, two, or three hours). This way, you'll avoid any miscalculation.


  6. Enter e Reference no. or a note in the Remarks field if needed.

  7. Click βœ”οΈ Submit on the bottom left corner of the section.


Managing Submitted Leave Requests

In the Leave Request Audit page, you'll have visibility of all the submitted leave requests, both from the Employee Portal and the Leave Request Audit page itself.
For leave submitted from the Employee Portal (Out of Office widget), it is possible to bypass the approval process set up in the Organisation Chart, by manually βœ”οΈ approving or 🚫 declining the request from the Leave Request Audit grid.

To do so, you can use the designated buttons under the Approve and Decline columns in the grid. Here you can also use the πŸ—‘οΈ Cancel (before the leave is taken) or πŸ”„ Resubmit buttons (both for all the submitted leave requests).

When resubmitting a leave record, the system will pull up the leave request form with the original leave details filled in. After clicking resubmit from the grid, you can amend the leave record accordingly, and then select Resubmit on the bottom left corner of the leave form.

The resubmitted leave record will be approved and the employee's leave balance will be updated.

If resubmitting the leave record fails (because of errors or omissions in the leave application form), the original leave record is retained.

πŸ’‘ Tip
You may need to resubmit a leave request if you realise that hours have been deducted from the wrong leave type due to an incorrect leave group priority order setup.
Let's say that for the 'Vacation' leave group, you accidentally set it up to deduct leave first from the VAC25 leave type, and then from the VAC24 one (previous year remaining leave). An employee submitted leaveβ€”choosing the 'Vacation' leave groupβ€”and you realised their remaining leave balance is not correct.
In this case, you would:

  1. Manually resubmit the leave from the Leave Request Audit page (using the mentioned button) so that the balances reflect the proper deduction.

Enabling the Resubmit Column

You can add the Resubmit column to the grid view selecting the Toggle Grid Options button from the toolbar. Other buttons will be shown. Select the third one from the left, the Column Selector, to customise your grid view.

If you want to learn how to save your grid selections for future reference, you can refer to πŸ‘‰ this article.

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