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27th January 2022 | New Approval Required setting in Allocations, Today button in Scheduler calendar, update to Leave Situation report, and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


Update sees a new setting in Time and Attendance that will give more control when giving go-ahead for rewards and penalties to be included in the payroll.

We have other good things in store, including updates to the Leave Situation report, a new Remarks tab in the Daily Attendance Allocations modal, an easier way to switch to today's view in the Scheduler calendar, and several others besides.

Keep on reading to find out more.

Approval of Attendance Exceptions Allocations

We now have the option to set a Reward or Penalty Preset to require approval. This means that when attendance exceptions are generated with a Reward or Penalty which require approval, these entries must be approved by a user who has approval rights before they can be sent to Payroll.

To find out more about this new feature, click here.

Payroll Enhancements

  • The Excel export of the Leave Situation report now includes the following fields:

    • Default Cost Centre

    • Department

    • Grade

    • Location

    • Occupation

    • Section

    • Unit

  • Navigating back to the dashboard from the leave calendar is now possible.

  • We have made further improvements to the Employee Screen's default grid.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • The grid loads as expected when switching year in the FS5 screen.

Time and Attendance Enhancements

  • When viewing the Allocations modal, there is a new tab for Remarks. Remarks entered here are retained upon recalculation, and the tab shows an alert when remarks have been added.

  • The Scheduler calendar now includes a handy 'Today' button, enabling you to switch to the current date view in one click.

  • You can now select a whole column in the Scheduler. The following actions can then be effected, either using standard keyboard shortcuts or via the menu in the right-hand corner of the column's top-most cell:

    • Cut schedules

    • Copy schedules

    • Paste schedules

    • Delete schedules

  • As per CfR regulations, overtime amounts of less than 1 hour are now rounded up to 1 hour in the F3 file, while those of more than 100 hours are rounded down to 100 hours.

Time and Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • The Allocation Return report header generates as expected.

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