What is People Insights?
People Insights lets you view your company's data metrics in a way that provides useful snapshots, thanks to various charts and dashboards powered by Microsoft's Power BI.
Where is it?
Once you're logged into Indigo, you'll see the icon for People Insights nestled between Performance Management and Attendance in the left side menu.
People Insights contains several dashboards displaying important data. Note: Several dashboards are only available on the premium tier.
The Summary dashboard hosts the following summarised data, giving you a bird's eye view of the company's staff statistics:
Year-To-Date: New Employees
Year-To-Date: Headcount
Year-To-Date: Terminated Employees
By Year and Month
By Employment Type
By Age Bracket
By Gender
In the Headcount dashboard there are the following charts:
Headcount across years
Current Headcount by Age Bracket
Current Headcount by Gender
Premium Version
With Premium access, you have more data categories available for viewing in the 'Current Headcount by' charts - rather than just the Age Bracket and Gender. Choose from up to 18 different fields available in the dropdown menus:
Academic Level
Age Bracket
Civil Status
Company Code
Cost Centre
Employee Type
Is Casual Worker
Tax Profile
Weekly Hours
Years in Service
The Turnover dashboard displays your turnover data, made up of terminations and new hires, in several charts and graphs.
Leave Balances
View Vacation Leave data, by Year, Leave Type, and Department or Cost Centre, to track trends and help you with resource planning.
Sick Leave Analysis
Use this dashboard to view sick leave across your company, helping you analyse norms, trends and anomalies more easily.
Payroll Costs
This dashboard covers payroll costs, which can be used to view the total cost using the Company Cost tab; or it can be used to visualise specific cost reports, such as the Payroll, Basic Salary, or Adjustment reports.
Payroll Costs Adjustments
This dashboard helps you view and analyse pay items that are over and above expected costs. You can see how these change over time and compare them across the years.
Forecasting Costs
Work out a forecast of your company's monthly costs using this dashboard. You can calculate costs based on Payroll, Overtime, Company Cost, Basic Salary, and Adjustments.