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Indigo Hiring and Jobhound are integrated!
Indigo Hiring and Jobhound are integrated!

Find out how to activate the integration between Hiring and Jobhound, and how to connect your Hiring job posts with Jobhound.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 9 months ago

Indigo Hiring and Jobhound are integrated!

This means you can promote your posts from Indigo Hiring directly on Jobhound, thereby expanding your audience and increasing the pool of potential candidates. In other words, this integration is effectively attracting even more talent to your job posts.

Connecting your company's Indigo Hiring profile with Jobhound

It's easy enough to integrate your company's Indigo Hiring and Jobhound profiles - just follow the steps below and your job posts will be shared in both places in no time. πŸ˜‰

The Jobhound part

  1. Check that you have access to an active company profile on Jobhound. If you don't already have one:

    i. Create an account on,

    ii. Complete your company's profile registration here.

  2. Log on to your account on Jobhound.

  3. Go to the Settings section in the left side menu and click External Integrations.

  4. You will see an entry for Indigo Hiring containing an Integration Code. Click the Copy button to copy the code.

The Indigo Hiring part

  1. In Indigo Hiring, click on your profile picture followed by the arrow next to the company name.

  2. Click the menu option for External Integrations.

  3. Under the entry for Jobhound, you'll see an Integration Code text box.

  4. Paste or CTRL V the code you copied earlier into this field, then click the Connect button.

  5. A green bar with 'Connected' in white text will show at the bottom of the Jobhound image, and the Integration Code you entered will turn green with a tick at the start of the code. The button beside it will now say 'Disconnect'.

Congratulations, your profiles are now connected! πŸŽ‰

Sharing an Indigo Hiring job post on Jobhound

  1. Go to Your Jobs and click on the job post you wish to show on Jobhound.

  2. When the job post's page loads, go to the Job Promotions tab.

  3. You will see the Jobhound section, click on the blue Connect with Jobhound button.

The page will update, showing a green bar with the white text 'Connected' on the bottom of the Jobhound image, and a green Published label to the right, below the red Unpublish button. Beneath the label you will be able to see when the post will expire.

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