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About Your Jobs in Indigo Hiring
About Your Jobs in Indigo Hiring

Find out what's in the Your Jobs page and what you can do from there

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the 'Your Jobs' screen?

Consider this screen the command centre for all things job posts! From here, you can see all your job posts, whether in draft, published or closed, and keep an eye on the stats for each one.

How to get there:

  • The quickest way is via Your Jobs, the third option in the header;

  • Alternatively, you can access it from the See All Jobs button in the Your Jobs widget of the Dashboard.

The Your Jobs screen contains the same header present in the other sections of Hiring, and a grid showing Your Jobs.

Your Jobs grid

From here you can view your job post list, take action on individual posts, as well as access the job post creation form via the + New Job button in the top right, just above the grid.

Information in the grid

  • Job Title: the name of the job that is also the post's name.

  • Posted By: which company member created the post.

  • Date: when the post was created.

  • Status: shows if the job is currently in Draft (grey dot), Active (green dot) or Closed (red dot).

  • Applicants: the number of people who have applied for the post.

  • Views: how many times the post has been seen.

  • CR: this is the conversion rate, which shows the percentage of views that have been turned into applications. You can use this as a measure of how effective your post is.

  • Members: the profile pictures of each company member with access to the job post is shown here, with a number added when there are too many to show at once.

  • Activity: the latest activity occurring on the job post is shown here, e.g. '1 new applicant'.

Actions per grid entry

To see what actions are possible for any job post in the grid, click on the three dot icon at the right end of the entry to open the actions menu.

All possible actions:

  • View: click this to go to the job post's page and see all its details.

  • Publish: only shown on Draft posts. This will publish the job post instantly, setting its status to Active.

  • Duplicate: the duplicate function copies an existing post and creates a new one with the same criteria, adding it to the Your Jobs grid. Clicking Duplicate opens a pop-up confirmation, that also allows you to edit the job title before pressing Duplicate one final time.

  • Edit: this takes you to the editing screen, from which you can change or add details.

  • Promotion: clicking this option will take you directly to the Job Promotions tab, from which you can share the job post to Jobhound.

  • Delete Job: only shown on Draft posts. Click to immediately remove the entry from the grid. The confirmation message 'Job deleted successfully' will show just below the notifications icon.

  • Job Settings: click to go straight the job's Settings tab.

  • Close Job: only shown on Active posts. When it's time to deactivate a job post, clicking Close Job will open a pop-up confirmation. Select a reason from the dropdown, then click Confirm. The post's status will change from Active to Expired. Note: if you choose 'Other', an open text box will show for you to write out your reason.

  • Open Job: only shown on Closed posts. Let's say you need to reuse a post previously marked as Closed, you can choose the Open Job option. This will instantly set the job post live with no detail-tweaking necessary.

Once you've had a look at your list of jobs, it's time to check out an individual job post! Keep on reading to learn all about it. 😎

Viewing an individual Job Post

Accessing a particular job post is easy, all you need to do is find the entry in the Your Jobs grid and click on the specific post you'd like to see (1). You can also click View in the entry's action menu (2), or select the entry in the Your Jobs widget on the Dashboard (3).

When the page loads, you'll see the company logo, the job title with the company name, when the post was created, and the job's status.

Below this are the five tabs available: Details, Applications, Settings, Job Promotions, and People with Access.

The Manage dropdown to the right of the basic details contains edit and status change options (Active or Close depending on the case).

Details tab

The Details tab is split into 2 parts: Job Details at the top, and Job Description taking up the bottom two thirds of the page.

In Job Details, information like the job's Location, Required Languages, Employment Type, Experience Level, and Salary Range are shown, to help applicants quickly identify if the basics of the job are suitable for them. At the end of this section are the benefits tags, showing any extras offered by the company, like relocation support, visa assistance, training, meals, and health insurance.

The Job Description section is entirely up to you! This is where you can summarise the job or go into detail, describe the type of responsibilities the ideal candidate would handle, list any required or desired qualification, and briefly cover work conditions.

The blue Edit button right below the Job Description part will give you quick access to the editing form, making sure you can update the post any time.

Applications tab

The Applications tab is home to each individual job post's Hiring Pipeline and Applicants grid.

From here, you can:

  • View and edit the post's Hiring Pipeline, access this article to learn more about it.

  • Carry out one of these three actions from the Bulk Actions button for all the post's candidates:

    • Download all applicants' data: this will download a a zip file called 'applicants-all-files'.

    • Download all CVs: click to download a zip file named 'applicants-list-resumes'.

    • Send mailout to all applicants: clicking this will open a pop-up from which you can write up an email to be sent to all the post's applicants at once. Enter the Email Subject, write up your message in the large textbox, and then click the blue Send button.

  • Access the manual application upload form, via the blue + Add Application button.

Settings tab

The Settings tab contains five different sections, each with its own settings and options: Screening Questions, Personal Notifications Settings, Additional Email Notifications, Jobs Reply Automation, and Scorecard Configuration.

For information about the sections for Screening Questions, Jobs Reply Automation, and Scorecard Configuration, check out the following links:

  • Personal Notifications Settings

    From here, you can choose to:

    • stick to the same settings you chose for all jobs in your Email Notifications settings, by selecting the option for 'Apply settings from my personal notification preferences';


    • pick a more or less frequent notification schedule for this particular job, by deselecting 'Apply settings from my personal notification preferences', and then choosing from Instantly, Daily Summary, and Never.

  • Additional Email Notifications Settings

    Let's say you need to keep a closer eye on a job post than you normally would, and decided you want to be updated in more than one place - or rather, on multiple email addresses. You can do that thanks to this setting. Simply type in the additional email address you'd like to be updated on, and click the blue Save Changes button.

Job Promotions tab

The Job Promotions tab allows you to share individual job posts on the job board Follow these instructions to find out how!

People with Access tab

View, add or remove people with access rights to an individual job post from this tab.

  • You can add a colleague by typing their name in the 'Add company member' bar, then selecting them when their full name is shown in the search, then clicking the now-activated Share button.

  • Anyone who can access the job post will be listed under 'Members who have access to this job'. In this list, you'll be able to see the full name, role, and email of each company member with access.

  • To remove a member's access, click on the Remove Access text on the far right of their entry.

Please note, company members with Owner or Administrator roles cannot be removed or have their access to an individual job post restricted.

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