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Bulk Import of Leave Records

Bulk Import Leave Entries using Excel

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over a year ago

Leave entries can be entered in bulk using Excel, via Payroll and Leave > Main > Leave.

Auto-approved leave can be entered in this screen for all employees. Rather than entering each record one by one, this can be done in bulk using Excel.

First, generate the template by using the Export button.

It is recommended that you do not change any settings from this screen, and that you click on Generate Template. You will then find an Excel file in your downloads folder. This file will contain the necessary columns which you would need to populate with data. Think of it as the normal leave entry form when clicking 'Create' (in the screenshot below), but for each row in the Excel file.

The Excel file will contain two sheets, one called 'Import Template' and another called 'Template Info.' You will need to input data in the 'Import Template' sheet, while the other sheet contains information about each column. This will specify whether a column is required (mandatory), what values you can enter and the expected data. Below are some keywords used in this sheet, that may be helpful:

Column "Type"

  • String - Normal text entry

  • Selection - The data entered must correspond exactly to one of the values in 'Allowed Values'

It is important to note that should one entry contain invalid data, the entire sheet will be rejected, and no changes will be made to the system. This will ensure that no irregularities will be recorded in the system.

Once data is correctly entered in the Excel sheet, save it, and click on Import.

Select the Excel file you've updated and saved, and click on Import.

If all the data is correct, the entries will be added to the system just like normal leave entries. These will be auto-approved since they have been inputted by the Payroll Administrator.

Should two identical entries be entered on the same date, the system will still process it while notifying the user that one entry is allowed on the same date.

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