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Approving Leave Requests from the Leave Widget
Approving Leave Requests from the Leave Widget

Learn how to approve and check your employees' leave requests all from the Leave widget on the Employee Portal.

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Leave Widget

The Leave Widget in the Employee Portal provides a detailed overview of current leave requests, including both pending and approved requests. It also shows a breakdown of employees who are on leave today and tomorrow.

Approving Leave Requests

Leave requests sent by employees using Indigo Employee Portal or through Leave Request Audit are received by the respective approvers, according to the Organisation Chart. If you are an approver to any number of employees, you might receive leave requests which you can either approve or decline.Β 

Those leave requests are visible in the Leave widget. Here there are two clickable numbers showing in bold.

  • Leave awaiting your direct approval: it refers to any leave requests submitted by your direct subordinates in the Organisation Chart, which are waiting for your approval.

  • Other leave awaiting your approval: it shows all the leave requests submitted by any employees which are two levels down or more in the Organisation Chart.

If you click on Leave awaiting your direct approval, the Approve Leave modal pops open.

Using the second dropdown menu from the left, you can group all pending leave by the following values:

  • Leave date and employee code

  • Leave date and employee name

  • Leave date and leave request date and time

  • Employee and leave date

Clicking on the chat icon πŸ’¬ next to the employee name will show any remarks attributed to it.

Clicking on the leave record will show other employees that have leave on the same dates in the Relative Overlaps section on the right side of the screen.

Since you might find yourself dealing with many overlapping requests, it can be tricky to go through the list and decide what to approve. To help you with this, the system allows you to:

  • Filter the employee list by Occupation, Department or Cost Centre.

  • Use the collapsibles to further refine the view.

  • Look for a specific employee's overlapping request using the Search box.

Hover your mouse over the name of the employee to see who submitted the leave request and when (this is to show whether another employee submitted the leave request on behalf of the present employee).

To approve or decline leave, you can click on the buttons next to each request accordingly (green to Approve, and orange to Decline). You can click on the cross βœ–οΈ next to the mentioned buttons to clear your selection.

Once done, you can add any Remarks at the bottom right side of the screen, and click Submit, or Close. Actions will only be taken for leave requests that you have given a selection for (approve or decline).

Alternatively, you can click on Approve All or Decline All at the top of the screen. You can then make amendments to the selection per leave request. Upon making a selection, a Clear All button will show next to these buttons as well.

Secondary Authorisers in the Organisation Chart

In the Organisation Chart we have Primary and Secondary Authorisers:

  • The Primary Authorisers, better known as 'direct approvers', are located one level above the leave requesters (their direct subordinates).

  • The Secondary Authorisers are located two or more levels above the Primary Authorisers' direct subordinates. They can approve leave requests if the direct approver is absent.

If you have been configured as a Secondary Authoriser, leave requests from the Primary Authorisers' direct subordinates will show under Other leave awaiting your approval as shown in the screenshot below.

For example, looking at the Organisation Chart below, we can say that James is the Primary Authoriser (direct approver) for Simon, whether Celine would be his Second Authoriser when James is absent.

To approve leave as a Second Authoriser, follow the same procedure as when approving leave for your direct subordinates, however ensure that 'other requests' is selected from the first dropdown on the left in the Approve Leave modal, as shown in the screenshot below.


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