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Creating a new Shift Preset

How to create a new shift in Indigo Attendance

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over 11 months ago

About Shift Presets

To begin using the Attendance module, users must first create shifts presets. The user can then allocate shifts to employees via the Scheduler. These are then transferred to Payroll and provide the basis for employees to get paid.

  1. To find the Shift Presets screen, go to Attendance > Setup > Shift Presets.

  2. When the page loads, the left-hand side will show the list of existing shift presets, while the shift preset's details will be displayed in the rest of the page.

The next step is to create a new shift.

Creating a new Shift Preset

To create a new shift, click on '+ New Shift'. The system will create a new blank record for which you can enter details. Once you have configured the Shift Preset, make sure to press Save.

Shift Preset Fields

  • Shift Preset Name: (mandatory) this is the shift name which will be used to refer to it throughout Indigo.

  • Timings: Description of the Time In and Time Out of the shift. The six different types of states are Attendance, Attendance Flexitime, Break, Break Flexitime, Off, and Leave. Click here for more details on the different types.

  • In/out range tolerance: This will only be available when Timings Type: Attendance is selected. It defines the amount of tolerance that an employee can punch before or after for Time In or Time Out punches. When the employee punches between the Time In and this tolerance, the system won't generate an exception.

  • Work time amount tolerance: This is the excess of Work Time Amount to be ignored by the system. For example, if the Work Time Amount is 8 hours and you have a Positive Tolerance of 1 hr, then if the employee works for 8.75hrs the system will not give any exception; if the employee exceeds 9hrs (8hrs+1hr tolerance), the system will give an exception as he exceeded the 9 hours. The Negative Tolerance will work the other way - if the employee has a 30minute tolerance and works only 7 hours, the system will give an exception.

  • Automatically generate attendance if no clocking available: toggle on if you want the system to auto-generate attendance if no clocking is available.

  • Automatically generate first missing clock in and last missing clock out (fixed attendance only): toggle on if you want the system to auto-generate first and last missing punches for shifts with fixed attendance.

  • Assign rewards & penalties:  assign the Awards or Penalties that this shift can have. You can have more than one.

  • Exclude Shift Preset from identification by Proximity: Check this box if you want the shift preset to be excluded from identification by the Proximity feature. [Proximity must be enabled before the is option is available in your shift presets page.]

  • Shift preset Cost Centre: This is the default cost centre that will be assigned as a cost to this shift.

  • Description: A description related to the shift to be easily identifiable or to enter remarks that describe it. You can set the Name as the code of the shift and the Description to describe it.

Next, see Shift Presets - Timings for a detailed explanation of all the Timings options.

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