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Applying for Leave

Apply for Leave via the Out of Office widget in the Employee Portal

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over a week ago

How to Apply for Leave

1. To apply for leave, click the Apply button as located in the Out of Office widget.

2. This will open the Apply For Leave window, which displays a weekly calendar as shown below.

3. To view a different date range, select the appropriate dates using the From and To fields as highlighted in the screenshot above. The screen will update with the selected date range automatically.

4. To appy for leave, click on the plus icon on the top right of the day you wish to take leave.

5. This will open the form you need to fill in so as to apply for leave.

  • Applicant: This is your name. Leave will be applied for under this name. This field is for information purposes only.

  • Date From: Date from which your current leave request starts.

  • Date To: The last date of your current leave request. If you are applying for 1 day, this should be the same as your 'Date from'.

  • Leave Group*: If applying for leave as a group, select the leave group you are applying for. Available groups depend on the types supported by the company.

  • Leave Type:  If applying for leave as a type. select the leave type you are applying for. Available types depend on the types supported by the company.

  • Leave Hour Schedule: This field is for information purposes only and shows the leave schedule assigned to you.

  • Leave Hour Schedule Detail: Select the leave schedule as available per company policy.

*Leave Groups are a grouping method for similar types of leave that make it easier to apply for leave. As an example, Leave Groups can group together this year's Vacation Leave along with any vacation leave carried forward from last year, ensuring that the one that expires first is used first. Leave groups and types are configured by your company according to internal policies and procedures.

6. Enter any reference numbers and/or remarks and click Submit to submit your leave request.

When applying for a leave type with a pay rate of 0.99 or less, a warning message will be displayed to the user. The user will then have the option to either proceed by clicking Yes or cancel by clicking No.

This popup can appear in both the Applying for Leave widget as well as the Leave Request Audit.

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