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Indigo Performance Management
All about the Performance Manager feature and related functionalities
Introduction to Performance ManagementLearn more about the module, main sections, accessing the module, setting user permissions
Analytics in Performance ManagementIndigo's Analytics provides top-notch insights for your appraisals, helping you make informed decisions for your company.
The 9 Box Grid in AnalyticsStep up your Performance Management game with this handy graph, which provides insights into your employees from completed appraisals
The Objectives Section in Performance ManagementObjectives, Indigo's OKR feature, lets you establish goals for your employees and spotlight their progress right up to the finish line
Creating Objectives and Key ResultsLearn how to create effective objectives and key results, capturing your team’s goals clearly so everyone knows exactly what to do and why
Checking in Progress and Other Interactions in ObjectivesIs your grid full of objectives? Record progress with check-ins, keep an eye on the real-time audit log and learn how to edit when needed.
Learn how to send and request feedback from Performance Management
The Feedback Section in Performance ManagementFeedback puts the power to send congratulations, offer guidance, and seek opinions from your team right at your fingertips
Requesting and Responding to Feedback RequestsCrucial to any performance management cycle, the act of giving and asking for feedback is streamlined in Indigo's dedicated feature