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Allocating shift patterns in your Scheduler

Learn how to allocate your created shift patterns in your Scheduler, or how to quickly create new shift patterns from the Scheduler.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago


There are three ways you can allocate shift patterns to employees in your Scheduler:

  1. Inserting the shift patterns created in the Shift Patterns page.

  2. Selecting allocated shifts in your Scheduler.

  3. Assigning a shift pattern to multiple employees.

Allocating created shift patterns

After creating a shift pattern in the Shift Patterns page of Indigo, you can then go to your Scheduler and type in the name of the pattern for the employee to whom you want to allocate the shifts.

To allocate a created shift pattern in your Scheduler:

  1. Go to your Scheduler.

  2. Select the day on which the shift pattern will start for the employee.

  3. Type in the name of the shift pattern.

  4. Select the pattern from the dropdown menu.

The pattern will allocate to the employee and it will repeat in your Scheduler. You can end shift patterns by clicking Clear pattern from this day onward in the context menu of a shift in the pattern.

Please note that the shift pattern cannot be edited in the Shift Pattern screen once the shift pattern has been allocated to at least one employee in your Scheduler.

Creating shift patterns from the Scheduler

Allocated shift presets present on your Scheduler can be used to create a shift pattern of employees.

To create a shift pattern using allocated shifts in your Scheduler:

  1. Go to your Scheduler

  2. Click and hold your mouse on the first shift and drag to the last shift preset. Then release.

  3. Click the three-dot menu, then click Save As Pattern.

The shift pattern will be saved. You will also find this pattern listed in the Shift Patterns page. An acronym of the pattern in the Scheduler becomes the name of the pattern (in the below example, the name of the pattern would be [AAO] 3 days).

Shift patterns are marked by the black tabs beneath them.

Shift patterns will repeat themselves on the next open day.

Editing shifts within a shift pattern

You can cut or replace individual shifts within the shift preset without affecting future shifts. You can also make quick edits or detailed edits to individual shifts without affecting future shifts.

Double-click a shift preset to open the shift preset's settings.

Creating five-day workweeks or rotational schedules as shift patterns

To create a standard five-day workweek pattern, be sure to leave weekends blank and include them in your pattern so that the shift pattern will not repeat on a Saturday or Sunday.

To create a rotational schedule, highlight and save the pattern without blank cells. The Scheduler will automatically set this pattern to repeat on the next open day.

The example below shows a two-days on, one-day off rotation. The three shifts are highlighted and set as a pattern.

Assigning a shift pattern to multiple employees

  1. In the Scheduler, click on the File menu.

  2. Select 'Assign multiple patterns'. The below modal will open:

  3. Select the start date and enter the shift pattern name.

  4. Choose which employees are to be assigned the shift pattern.

  5. If you need to offset the starting day, tick the 'Offset Starting Day' button and pick the day you wish the pattern to start from.

  6. Click the 'Assign employees' button.

A notification in the bottom left corner of Indigo will alert you to refresh the page when the changes to the Scheduler have been made.

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