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How to use the Scheduler in Attendance

Become familiar with the layout of the Scheduler page before creating your company's workweek schedules

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Date selector

The date selector allows you to view your organisation’s schedule at a week’s glance. Click the dates to open the date selector

You can click the left or right arrows to scroll back or forward in the calendar. Click on any day within a week to view the entire week in your Scheduler.

Click anywhere on the Scheduler page to close the date selector. 


Your company’s roster is on the left side of the Scheduler. It includes your employees’ names and codes, occupation, and assigned cost centres. 

  • The Employee column is populated with employees that you have permission to view. Your Indigo administrator must give you access rights to user groups and the Attendance module before you can view your employees in the Scheduler. All employees must first be registered users in the Indigo Payroll system before they can be assigned shifts in the Scheduler. Employees' punches can be viewed by clicking on the clock icon on the bottom right of the employees' name cells; this will open a pop-up listing the employee's clocking data for that week. Night shift punches for the Sunday or Monday before or after the week are shown with a light blue background.

    Users can record remarks on locked shifts when necessary by going to the locked entry's context menu, selecting Settings and entering the remark in the Custom Schedule Values tab.

  • The Occupation column shows which occupation the particular employee is assigned according to their employee profile in Indigo Payroll.

  • The Cost Centre column shows which cost centre the employee is assigned according to their employee profile in Indigo Payroll.

Click on either of the column headers to sort data according to that column. 

The Scheduler

The Scheduler shows the shift presets allocated to your employees for the week. The total hours and costs (in euros) are shown at the end of the row for each employee.

The Scheduler's Toolbar

The toolbar contains several tools to help you use the Scheduler.

  • Issues: any scheduling conflicts in your Scheduler will show here. Click on the Issues menu to see the full list of conflicts. Clicking an issue opens a new window where you can view and resolve the conflict.

  • Employee View: choose what type of employees you want to see in the Scheduler.

  • Reset View Options: click this icon if you want to reset the Employee View to the default showing all types of employees.

  • Refresh: click to refresh the Scheduler after making any changes.

  • Filter: filter out employees, occupations, cost centres, or shifts from your Scheduler. Multiple filters can be applied at once.

  • Search: look for employees by name or code, occupation, cost centre, or shift preset.

  • Scheduler View Settings: click to open the modal containing the controls for the Scheduler's view.

  • File Menu: this menu contains most of the major functionalities in the Scheduler, with sub-menus for many of them.

View Options

Change view from the Employee View dropdown to change view:

  • All: all employees, whether scheduled or not, and regardless of type, are visible.

  • Scheduled: employees that have been assigned shifts within the selected time range.

  • Unscheduled: employees that have not been assigned shifts within the selected time range.

  • Salaried: employees with fixed hours.

  • Hourly Pay: employees that are paid by the hour.

  • Employed: employees that are employed directly with the company.

  • Sub-Contracted: employees that are sub-contracted.

  • Published: all published shifts.

  • Unpublished: all unpublished shifts.

Change the Scheduler Starting Day

Although the default weekly view is Monday-Sunday, you can switch from this to a Sunday-Saturday weekly view easily.

  1. Go to Attendance > Settings > Attendance > Scheduler.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Select the "Use 'Sunday' as default starting day of week in scheduler" option.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Attendance > Scheduler. You will see the week now starts from Sunday.

To change the starting day for your own user's Scheduler without changing it for all Scheduler users across the company, click on the 'Scheduler View Settings' icon, then click on the 'Scheduler Starting Day' dropdown and select your preference.

Show Attendance in the Scheduler

You can view your employees' attendance in the Scheduler, making it easier to compare their scheduler shifts and their actual attendance at a glance. Click on the cogwheel icon for the Scheduler View Settings, and switch on the 'Show Attendance' setting.

Clicking on the cell in the final column of the Scheduler will display the Hours Breakdown pop-up, showing the employee's Basic, Leave, Total (made up of Basic + Leave), Weekly working hours, Difference (made up of Total - Weekly), Overtime, and Total including Overtime. This tooltip can be locked and closed as needed.

The Scheduler Heatmap

The heatmap system used in the Scheduler is shown as a coloured dot in each employee's 'Basic hrs Overtime' cell.

Heatmap Key

  • Red: negative difference; there are fewer hours scheduled than the employee's standard weekly hours.

  • Blue: positive difference; there are more hours in the Schedule than the employee's standard weekly hours.

  • Green: no difference; the rostered hours match the employee's standard weekly hours.

The darker the blue or red, the smaller the difference between the scheduled hours and the standard weekly hours; the brighter the blue or red, the greater the difference.

To turn on this setting:

  1. Click on the 'Scheduler View Settings' menu.

  2. Switch on the 'Show Heatmap' option.

The Scheduler will update as soon as you close the 'Scheduler View Settings' modal.

After becoming familiar with the Scheduler page in Attendance, you can:

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