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Making the most of your Indigo Hiring Pipeline
Making the most of your Indigo Hiring Pipeline

Customise your Hiring Pipeline: set it up, add screening questions and locations, and automate various email responses to applicants.

Matthew Calleja avatar
Written by Matthew Calleja
Updated over 9 months ago


A major part of customising your Hiring Preferences is setting up your Hiring Pipeline.

A part of this process also involves adding screening questions and preferred locations, and automating email responses to applicants as their application progresses through the pipeline.

The end result? A streamlined, more efficient system that's highly customisable to your needs, automated to handle most of the initial sorting work for you before you even need to view a new application.

Navigating to Hiring Preferences

Clicking on the Hiring Preferences tab in the main settings screen will show you a wide range of customisation options, including the Hiring Pipeline and related settings.

If you do not have the necessary permissions to edit these preferences, you will encounter this screen.

About editing Hiring Preferences for existing jobs

Please be aware that adjusting a Hiring Preference following the instructions below will solely impact upcoming job postings. Imagine configuring Hiring Preferences in this manner as designing a blueprint upon which all future job postings will be based.

The above is true for all Hiring Preferences besides Applicant Information Fields.

Instructions on how to edit a specific Hiring Preference for an existing job are available in collapsible sections at the end of each of this article's chapters.

Setting up your Hiring Pipeline

The Hiring Pipeline consists of a series of folders through which applicants' submissions on posted jobs are sorted. This is based on:

  • the degree to which the applications meet your applicant search criteria, and;

  • their current status in the hiring process.

The first bullet point is defined by the five default folders which can't be edited or removed: Unrated, Not a fit, Maybe, Perfect fit, and Declined.

The second bullet point refers to a set of folders that can be edited, expanded, or deleted. This reflects the fact that various jobs have distinct requirements, such as the necessity for a technical or additional interview following the first one.

Overall, one possible pipeline will look like this:

The fixed default folders are distinguished from the editable ones by the greyed-out areas.

Your pipeline will be displayed—and function as a sorting feature—when you view the Applications tab for a specific job in the Your Jobs section, as highlighted below.

Regarding editable folders, there are four things about them to configure, as follows:

  1. Starting from the far left, you can click on the blue area and drag a folder to rearrange its position in the pipeline.

  2. Next, you can alter the folder's colour by clicking on its icon and selecting a new hue from the list.

  3. To rename the folder, click on its name and edit the text in the provided field.

  4. You can delete the folder by clicking the trash can on the right.

To create a new folder:

  1. Click Add new stage, which is next to Save Changes below the folders list.

  2. In the pop-up window, enter the name of the folder and click Add.

  3. The new folder will automatically be given a grey icon and be positioned at the bottom of the list, just above the fixed Declined folder. You can then customise it using the previously mentioned steps.

Don't lose your progress! After making any changes, remember to click Save Changes to apply your edits. If you want to discard your changes, simply leave the page without saving.

Also note that any changes you save will apply for all your future job postings.

Editing the Hiring Pipeline for an existing job

  1. Start by going to Your Jobs in the site header.

  2. In the Your Jobs grid, click on the desired job's Title.

  3. When the individual job page loads, head over to the Applications tab, followed by Folders Settings, which is accessed via the button at the far right of the Application Pipeline section.

  4. In the resulting window, you can edit that job's pipeline following the same instructions described in this section.

  5. Don't forget to Save your changes!

Preferences for Applicant's Location

Here, you have the option to choose countries or regions from which you'd like to receive applicants, which can be particularly useful when, for example, staffing a foreign office. This selection will influence the automatic sorting of applicants based on their residency and current location.

The countries listed in blue beneath the search bar are your current preferred locations. To add more, simply use the search bar and begin typing the name of a city or country. Once you see your desired option, click on it.

To remove an existing preference, click on the small cross located in that country's blue box.

Once you've finished editing, click Save Changes to confirm your selections, or leave the page to discard your edits.

Editing the Location Preferences of an existing job

  1. Click on the desired job's Title.

  2. Click the blue Manage button in the top right, followed by Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the section titled Applicable Locations and configure the settings as outlined in this section.

  4. Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom and click Save Changes when done.

Screening Questions

Both employers and candidates have specific non-negotiables and desirable qualities that can be identified early in the application process. Identifying these qualities early on will help you decide whether you're looking at your next Charlie Hustle or a potentially hassling mismatch.

Screening Questions facilitate this process.

These screening questions are chosen by you to initiate the evaluation process. As applicants respond at the beginning of their application, their answers help to sort their fit for the role in the default Hiring Pipeline folders, ranging from Not a fit to Perfect fit. This sorting relies on the degree to which their answers match the ideal responses predetermined for each question.

Screening Questions have five key characteristics that can be configured:

  • Question Type (1): This will determine the kind of response an applicant will be allowed to provide. Select a question type that aligns with the answer you're seeking by clicking Change type and choosing one from the following options:

    • Yes/No

    • Numeric

    • Open answer

    • Attachment

    • Multi-select

    • Single-select

    • Applicant Source

  • The Question (2): Phrase your question carefully to ensure that you're clear about the information you seek from the applicant. Edit this by clicking the field (2) and changing the text.

  • An Ideal answer (3): Yes/No questions give you the option to set an answer that best fits your preference. Similarly, Numeric questions allow you to determine if an answer is suitable by assessing whether it is More than or Less than a certain number, particularly useful for questions regarding wage expectations.

  • Question Order (4): Decide a given question's position in the order by moving it up or down one position using the corresponding arrows, or by clicking and holding the middle section and dragging it upwards or downwards.

  • Mandatory v. Optional: Decide whether you wish to leave a question optional or not by ticking the Mandatory field. For a question to be optional, untick this box.

You can remove an unnecessary question by clicking on its Delete button. Of course, don't forget to click Save Changes when done!

Adding new Screening Questions

There are two ways you can add Screening Questions to your list: Presets and the Add a new question type button.

  1. At the bottom of the screen, there is a selection of Presets: frequently asked questions that have been saved for ease of access. Add these questions to your list by clicking on the preset. Note: the Presets section also indicates whether or not a preset question is already in your list, displaying a tick () if it is, and a plus (+) if it is not.

  2. Selecting Add a new question type will present a dropdown menu featuring all the question styles. By clicking on your preferred style, a new blank question of that type will appear at the end of the list, ready for you to complete.

Editing the Screening Questions of an existing job

  1. Start by going to Your Jobs from the site header.

  2. In the Your Jobs grid, click on the desired job's Title.

  3. Head over to the Settings tab, followed by Screening Questions.

  4. From this point onward, follow the instructions in this section.

  5. When done, don't forget to click Save Changes!

Jobs Reply Automation

Managing over two dozen new applicants daily and crafting unique emails each day can quickly become tedious and draining. Indigo Hiring provides automated email replies which are configured here!

They can be turned on, off and customised to meet your requirements, informing the applicant of the necessary details when they progress to a new stage in your recruitment process.

In other words, different emails can be automated to be sent when an application is moved from one stage in your pipeline to the next.

  1. Begin by turning on automated emails for a specific folder by clicking the switch on the far right.

  2. Click the arrow to the right of that switch. This will open the options that allow you to customise your automated email.

  3. Start by clicking the dropdown menu at the top left to schedule a delay between the application's transfer to the new folder and the subsequent email notification to the applicant. The delay options vary from Instantly up to 2 days later.

  4. Draft the default message template in the text box provided.

  5. When done editing, click Save.

If you need to, you can always come back later and update the delay or email template, or turn off the automated email from the switch.

Activating Jobs Reply Automations for existing jobs

  1. Start by going to Your Jobs from the site header.

  2. In the Your Jobs grid, click on the desired job's Title.

  3. Head over to Settings followed by Jobs Reply Automation.

  4. From this point onward, follow the instructions in this section.

  5. When done, don't forget to click Save!

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