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6th May, 2020

Indigo | Automated CWS calculations for FS5 reporting and custom leave request audit spreadsheets.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

We have updated FS5 forms and the generation of FS5s in relation to CWS. COVID Wage Supplement reporting is now done automatically. This means that 10% of the total COVID amount will be deducted from the FS5. You can read more about this in our updated documentation covering the COVID Wage Supplement and your FS5s.

Another noteworthy addition to this Indigo update is the FSS info pop-up window will now show values for both taxable gross from previous payrolls of current employment (less OT Concession) and taxable earnings from current payroll (less OT Concession). This will help you verify whether the employee, who has had a salary change, thus make them eligible for the OT concession, is being taxed appropriately for the given month.

Indigo Platform optimization

  • We have added an additional application gateway server in front of the Indigo application to include extra protection and to help better manage Indigo's traffic. The application server inbound IP address changed to Read more about our public IP addresses and outbound IP addresses.

  • [NDG-14807] We have optimized the performance of the retrieval of company filters. Companies with a large number of tenants on the Indigo system will see improved speed when switching between companies.

Indigo Payroll optimization

Indigo Payroll improvements and fixes

  • We have improved configurations for overtime tax concessions and FSS tax calculations. If an employee has a change in salary that triggers the overtime tax concession, the system will then only calculate FSS tax appropriate to the current overtime figures. 

  • We fixed an issue where the navigation bar was hidden in the payroll history tab of the Employees page. 

  • Opening an Indigo Employee Portal link from an e-mail (containing payslips or FS3s, for example) will take the user either to their portal, if already logged in, or to the login screen as expected. Some errors had occurred where users were prevented from logging in via the link if not previously logged in already.

  • Your companies in the company selector dropdown list will show in alphabetical order rather than order of company code.

  • Newly created tenants for a company account are ticked (made active) as a user company and as an "Admin" under User Permission Sets for the subscription user by default.

  • Structural corrections made to the invalid IBAN error message.

  • Fixes made to overtime pay item. On occasion, the rate of an overtime pay item was not being displayed correctly when entering that overtime pay item in the payrolls page. 

  • Stability enhancements made to the global write off/pay off leave balance functionality.

  • Fixes made to Annual Projected Gross rounding when calculating tax.

Indigo Time & Attendance improvements and fixes

  • Cancelled leave on days which contain multiple leave requests are removed from view on the Scheduler as expected. 

  • We have improved the performance to the allocation return report page. There were issues where certain filters were preventing the report from being generated properly. 

  • Shifts that are copied and pasted into another cell show the shift present settings in real time. You should no longer be required to refresh the page in order for the copied shift's details to appear.

  • Merged allocation return reports (generate merged) show all heading titles as expected.

  • An issue where reconfiguring a device prior to importing clocking data would cause an error has been fixed. 

  • Enhancements made to auto-allocations for overtime shifts.

  • An error has been fixed which prevented a Scheduler from being recalculated. The error was caused by a user changing the cost centre of the employee related to an amended allocation and then the user tries to modify the allocation details. Recalculating a Scheduler now works as expected following this behaviour.

  • Stability enhancements made to the Resolve Attendance Exceptions page.

Indigo APIs

  • There were issues where calling the accounting interface API was taking a considerable amount of time to complete. We have made fixes and improvements to this API and it should be working much more quickly now.

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