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Employee Portal Overview

Overview & Introduction to the Employee Portal and its Widgets

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over 6 months ago


The Employee Portal brings together several utilities that allow you to manage a number of functions and activities related to your employment, including leave application and a repository for important documents such as payslips and FS3s. To access the Employee Portal, go to the Dashboards tab, and click on Employee Portal.

Each function and activity is accessible through individual widgets on the portal's main screen. Widgets are like little apps that you would have on any modern smartphone, without the need to open and close each widget to use it.

Each widget has its own settings. These can be accessed by hovering the mouse over a widget. Buttons will show on the top right area of the widget. Settings may differ per widget, and depend on the permission level of the user (most settings can only be accessed by the administrator).

These buttons let you refresh the widget, minimise or maximise it (to view further information or access another screen - much like a shortcut). When hovering over the widget name, you can click, drag and drop the widget to re-order the Employee Portal as you please.

My Leave Year Planner

The My Leave Year Planner widget accommodates a calendar with your booked leave, for the leave types available, including any public holidays that fall within that time period.

My Payslips

The My Payslips widget saves payslips issued with each payroll. Only payslips issued since the introduction of Shireburn Indigo Payroll are available here.

My FS3s

The My FS3s widget saves FS3s issued at the end of each financial year. Only FS3s issued since the introduction of Shireburn Indigo Payroll are available here.

My Attachments

My Attachments is where any documents shared with you by your administrator are saved.

Leave Balances

The Leave Balances widget allows you to quickly view remaining leave balances for leave types you are eligible for.

The whole gauge represents your collective leave entitlement for the leave type indicated by the gauge's title listed at the bottom section of the gauge. The gauge itself indicates leave taken, upcoming, pending, and remaining leave balances.

  • The Indigo area indicates your remaining leave balance until end of year.

  • The Grey area indicates leave that has already been taken.

  • The Blue area indicates pending upcoming leave.

  • The Yellow area indicates approved upcoming leave.

  • The Green marker on the outer Orange outline shows your ideal leave balance. The ideal leave balance is your leave balance worked out pro-rata against the number of days remaining until end of year.

  • Click on Hours to change units from Hours to Days or vice versa.

  • Hide Zero Balances will remove zero balances gauges.

Out of the Office

The Out of the Office widget lets you see who is out of the office, including anyone on leave, sick leave, away, or on any of the approved types of leave, as well as any applications that are still pending approval. Icons for approved applications show in full colour, while icons for pending applications fade in and out of colour. Pending applications also show (Pending) in the description.

You can apply for leave and working from home through the Out of the Office widget, and you can view how many people are away from the office using the Heat Map. Depending on your access rights, you can also create, approve and decline sick leave requests from this widget.

Leave Heat Map

The Heat Map helps you plan your leave while taking colleagues' leave into consideration, by giving you a visual representation of all booked leave for the year. The greener the date, the fewer people are on leave; the redder the date, the more people are on leave. You can choose what number of people on leave on the same day is to be considered 'hot', and therefore will be displayed in red, by adjusting the vertical thermometer on the right.

Staff Leave Balances

The Staff Leave Balances widget shows each employee that reports to you and their remaining leave balances. Detailed information about this widget can be found here.


The Clocking widget allows employees to clock in and out for their shift via the Employee Portal.

More information about this widget can be found here.


The Scheduler widget shows the employee their shifts by daily or weekly view. It also shows their recorded clockings, if the setting to view these is enabled by the administrator.

You can read more about the Scheduler widget here.


The Reporting widget hosts the reports available to the portal user, such as the Leave Situation, Leave History, Clocking Summary, Clocking Details and Attendance Reconciliation reports. This widget allows portal users to see their leave, clockings and attendance in report format whenever they wish.

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