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Managing your Personal Indigo Hiring Profile
Managing your Personal Indigo Hiring Profile

Find out how to configure everything in your personal user profile for Indigo Hiring!

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 9 months ago

Accessing your Profile Settings in Indigo Hiring

Have you signed up to Indigo Hiring, logged in and had a quick look around?

Yes! πŸ‘€ What's next?

Let's set up your account so you're good to go!

Great idea! Show me how! 😎

To make Indigo Hiring as customisable to your unique needs as possible, we have included several distinct categories of settings to help you modify your account, jobs, hiring preferences, and user experience.

This article specifically focuses on configuring your Personal Profile, including details like your display picture, user information, account security, and more.

First, take a look at your profile picture. You'll notice it's a placeholder with your initials.

See that little arrow to the right of it? Go ahead and click it to open your personal menu.

To the far right of your name and email, you'll see a blue cogwheel icon, which will take you to the home of your user settings.

After clicking the cogwheel, the user settings screen will load, showing a menu with a list of different settings on the left with General Settings highlighted in blue; to the right of the menu, taking up most of the screen, is the General Settings form.

General Settings

This is where you save your personal profile photo and user information.

Uploading or Changing a Profile Image

Personalise your profile by uploading a photo of yourself!

Good to know!

Your profile image file size must be no larger than 2MB, and in a PNG or JPEG format.

  1. Click on the blue Upload Photo rectangle to open the file browser window and select your file.

  2. When you've chosen your file, click Open.

  3. The file browser will close and show the Profile Photo editing box instead.

  4. Go ahead zoom in or out of your image using the slider, and drag the photo to find the perfect position.

  5. When you're happy, click Set as profile photo and click Save Changes at the bottom of the General Settings form.

If you don't upload an image, your profile picture will instead show your initials in grey capitals against a light background.

Bored of your profile photo? No problem! You can change it any time by clicking on the blue file icon in the right corner of the image to open the file browser. Then follow the same steps as above.

Updating Personal Details

The form section of General Settings is host to your own details. There are several obligatory fields - marked with a red asterisk * - that cannot be left empty, and a few other optional ones.

Here's a detailed break-down of each box in the form:

  • First Name: this is where your official first name should be entered; required field.

  • Last Name: input your last name (aka surname, aka family name) here; required field.

  • Date of Birth: enter your birth date in the DD/MM/YYYY format, using the date picker.

  • Gender: select from Male, Female, Other, and Prefer Not To Say.

  • Location: enter the name of the country you currently live in, then select it from the dropdown that will show below the box; required field.

  • Country of Residence: write the name of the country in which you have citizenship or are a legal resident, and select it from the dropdown menu that appears. Note: your Country of Residence must be the one where you reside for the majority of your time.

  • Communication Languages: type the language name into the 'Enter language' field. When the language is shown in the dropdown below the box, click on it. A light blue tag with the language name will appear underneath, which you can remove using the X on the tag. Note: this field supports multiple answers, so if you're multilingual go ahead and list all your languages here!

When you have inputted or updated your details, press the blue Save Changes button.

Account Security

There are two things you can do under Account Security: Change Email and Change Password.

Change Email

To change the email address associated with your Indigo Hiring user:

  1. Delete the existing email in the Email box by highlighting the whole address and pressing Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.

  2. Type in the new address.

  3. Double-check the spelling, then click Save Email.

  4. The Email section will now show your newly entered email address, and a message 'Awaiting confirmation from *email address*' will appear below the box.

  5. You should receive an email on the specified address. Click the Verify button or link to verify your email.

Change Password

Changing your Indigo Hiring password is easy!

  1. In 'Current password', type in your existing password.

  2. Enter your newly thought up password under 'New password'.

  3. Input it again in 'Confirm password'.

  4. Now hit Save Password - and you're done!

Don't forget, you can check your current password by clicking on the eye πŸ‘οΈ symbol to reveal the hidden characters.

Email Notifications

Different people have different notification needs, which is why Indigo Hiring has settings that let you choose if, or when, you'd like to receive email updates!

There are two sections to the Email Notifications settings: Business Profiles, and Jobs.

Under Business Profiles, you can tick the 'Membership status updates' checkbox if you would like to receive an email any time you are added to a business profile's members list.

In Jobs, you can choose when to receive emails about new applications being submitted to one of your company's vacancies:

  • Daily Summary: select this to get an email at the end of each day with a summary.

  • Instantly: pick this if you want to know after each individual application is received.

  • Never: if you're looking to avoid Inbox fatigue, or just don't need email notifications, choose this option.

Manage Your Data

We understand that circumstances can change, and you might need to have your data deleted. Whether it's for privacy reasons, data management, or simply ensuring your information stays secure, we've got you covered.

From the Manage Your Data settings, you'll be able to delete your Indigo Hiring user account, and decide whether or not to have your user data deleted.

Account Termination

To delete your Indigo Hiring user, click the red Delete My Account button.

But first: Choose a data retention period!

The Data retention period in the application gives you three options:

  • 60 days: having your user data automatically deleted from Indigo Hiring 60 days after you delete your account;

  • 180 days: having your user data automatically deleted from Indigo Hiring 180 days after you delete your account;

  • Keep with no expiration: allow your user data to remain on Indigo Hiring indefinitely, that is, without being deleted.

Ticking the option you'd like will automatically update your preferences.

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