All about Rewards and Penalties in Indigo Attendance
Allocate rewards and penalties manually for single shifts in your Scheduler
How to assign multiple rewards or penalties to a shift in the Shift Preset pageYou can assign multiple rewards or penalties to a shift at one time by editing existing shift presets
How to assign rewards or penalties to employee groups or shift presetsLearn how to set rewards or penalties to certain occupations, cost centres, or organisations; employee groups; or shift presets
How to create a penalty presetSet penalty presets to automatically deduct time, leave balance or allowance from employees when certain conditions are met
How to create a Reward presetSet reward presets to automatically allocate time, leave balance or allowance to employees when certain conditions are met
Understanding different conditions for Penalty PresetsLearn the different conditions for penalty presets that can trigger automatic allocations
Understanding different conditions for reward presetsLearn how to set the appropriate conditions to automatically allocate allowances or leave balances for your employees
Understanding different rules for penalty presetsLearn the different allocation rules for penalties to be applied for absences, late arrivals, or early departures
Understanding different rules for Reward PresetsLearn the different allocation rules for rewards so that your employees can receive extra pay or leave
Unscheduled work reward and penalty presetsYou can configure rewards and penalties to automatically allocate to unscheduled attendances in your system.