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28th October 2020

Indigo | Create menu names for companies and exclude shifts from Proximity; SEPA files for Bank of Cyprus (1bank) now compatible

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


We've got a lot in store for you with today's Indigo update!

Do you have companies on your system that share the same name (but are under different PE numbers)? You can now create menu names for each company. This helps you know which company you are working with in Indigo.

The end of the year is fast approaching (can you believe it?). With that in mind, we have optimized some things to help your EOY work go much more smoothly. First, we have enhanced the display of the global leave write-off and pay-off tool. The enhancement presents employee and leave data in a cleaner and more uniform manner. Second, we are hard at work already to get your Indigo system ready for 2021 in light of the new budget measures announced by the Government on 19 October 2020. You can see how your Indigo system will be affected by the new budget measures in our blog.

Earlier this month, with the release of Indigo, we introduced Proximity, a feature that maintains your Scheduler for you. In today's updated, we've added the option to exclude shifts from being used with the Proximity feature.

Finally, SEPA files for the Bank of Cyprus (1bank) are now compatible with Indigo.

Please take a look at all the enhancement and improvements we have made to this update of your Indigo Suite of business solutions.


Indigo Platform enhancements

  • Following the Government's 2021 budget measures, we have taken the initiative to upload your Indigo system with 2021 vacation leave entitlements and statutory bonus updates. The 2021 budget measures include an extra day of leave for full-timers This brings the total days of leave available in a year to 28. Come to the new year, your Indigo system will update with this new 2021 leave entitlement ready to allocate to your employees. Read more about how the 2021 budget measures affect Indigo on our blog.

  • You can now add a "menu name" for your companies in your system. Company menu names appears in the company selector dropdown menu to help you distinguish the different companies on your tenancy.

Indigo Payroll enhancements

  • Indigo can now generate direct credit files for the Bank of Cyprus (1bank). Click here to see a list of all banks compatible with Indigo.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • Users can now choose to show both approved cancellations and denied leave in the leave history report.

  • Grid refresh issues after editing company details have been fixed.

  • Deleting an FS5 works as expected.

  • Issues where created on, created by, modified on, and modified by fields were missing from leave history reports generated as Excel only have been fixed. These fields are included in the report as expected.

  • COVID Wage Supplement values report with two decimal places in FS5s as expected.

  • The individual leave write-off function works correctly as expected. There were instances where the system was reporting a successful leave write-off for an employee despite the write-off having been issued incorrectly.

  • Issues with global leave write off have been fixed. There were issues where pending leave requests were not taken into consideration when the user ran the pay-off/write-off function. The system will ask users to address pending leave before continuing with the function as expected.

  • Importing pay items into Indigo triggers the pay item's hourly rate in the system as expected. (Kindly note that dates should be included in Excel imports to help the system trigger any adjustments to hourly rates in the pay item.)

  • Occupation codes and descriptions are found in detailed payroll reports as expected.

Indigo Time & Attendance enhancements

  • A new checkbox added to shift preset pages that allows you to exclude the shift preset from being identified by Proximity. You can exclude a shift preset from Proximity from the shift preset's configuration page.

Indigo Time & Attendance fixes and improvements

  • Issues with attendance exceptions issuing invalid allocations have been fixed.

  • An issue where the save button in the Rewards or Penalties pages remained disabled after removing employee groups from rewards or penalties has been fixed. The save button is enabled after removing employee groups from rewards or penalties as expected.

  • The Amount field under Rules in the Rewards page will remain empty if unused rather than reading "Null".

  • Issues with rewards for Sunday shifts not triggering have been fixed.

  • We fixed an issue where all issue labels on shifts would disappear after importing leave records into the Scheduler.

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