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17th September 2020

Indigo | Updated JobPlus Employment report creation window, pro-rata leave entitlements reports, and more.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


Indigo is packed with enhancements to a number of areas across the Indigo Suite.

We have modified and enhanced the JobPlus Employment report to provide an easier way to choose an employee's citizenship and nationality for the report. You can create a JobPlus Employment report by going to the Employees page and clicking on JobPlus Employment Report under the Report button in the functions bar.

Other reports in Indigo have also received enhancements, including the pro-rata leave entitlements report, the basic hours report, and the cost detailed report.

Please take a look at all the other updates and improvements we have made to your Indigo Suite of business solutions.


Indigo Payroll enhancements

The JobsPlus Employment report creation window received some modifications:

  • Selecting an employee's nationality and citizenship are now done through a lookup pop-up window rather than through a dropdown menu as before.

  • If nationality and citizenship are selected in the employee's profile page, these fields will be defaulted to those values in the JobsPlus Employment Report creation window.

  • A new dual citizenship checkbox is available.

Other enhancements to Indigo Payroll:

  • The system now supports underscores ( _ ) in e-mail addresses (for employee profiles, user accounts, company details, etc.).

  • The basic hours report is now sorted by date by default.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • Apply for leave on behalf of another employee works as expected. There were cases where error messages were being displayed after submitting a leave request for another employee, preventing the request from processing.

  • Inserting a pay item on a day which is not part of an employee's work schedule profile is validated as overtime. No error is produced when inserting a pay item for an employee on their traditional non-working day. You will only receive a warning about the employee's work schedule.

  • We fixed an issue where grouping the leave accruals report by unit resulted in duplicated data.

  • We fixed an error where audit log reports were including records that were not modified by any user.

  • Issues where fields remain greyed out in Leave settings despite a user clicking edit in the functions bar have been fixed.

  • The calculation pay items grid will not show duplicate records when the grid is sorted by pay item code.

  • Searching for cost centres by description in the cost centre field of the employee profile works as expected.

  • Issues with saving amended data in the previous employment tab have been fixed.

  • The system will prevent you from deleting cost centres or other entities that are in active use (assigned or allocated to an employee, for example) as expected. You will receive a warning pop-up that says you cannot delete something that is in use.

Indigo Time & Attendance enhancements

  • The costs detailed report now has grouping options in the report setup panel. You can organise the report in three grouping levels. The grouping option include cost centre, department, section, or unit.

Indigo Time & Attendance fixes and improvements

  • Clearing shift patterns in the Scheduler happens more quickly and with far fewer errors.

  • Changes made to the time in/out of a shift preset are reflected on instances of that shift preset in the Scheduler as expected.

  • An issue where the headers in a cost detailed report were obscured by black boxes has been fixed.

  • Basic hours in the Basic hrs Overtime column of the Scheduler recalculates as expected after a shift is deleted.

  • Shift costings after an employee's termination date calculate as 0 in the Scheduler as expected.

  • Shift costings after an employee's termination date calculate as 0 in the cost detailed report as expected.

  • Page-loading speed when switching between weeks in the Scheduler has improved. You should expect fewer lags and smoother transitions when cycling through your Scheduler.

  • The system will produce an error message as expected when you attempt to copy and paste a shift that is not available for an employee (the employee is not assigned to the same cost centre as the shift).

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