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15th October 2020

Indigo | New sorting options for leave history and detailed payroll reports; Indigo passes 3rd-party penetration testing

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


Today's Indigo Suite update offers you new sorting options for two commonly used reports in the system:

  • Leave history reports can now be sorted by employee surnames.

  • Detailed payroll reports can now be grouped by cost centre.

Indigo also includes a number of other enhancements and improvements to many areas of the system, especially other payroll and FSS reporting functionalities.

Indigo platform: security infrastructure passes third-party penetration and attack testing for third consecutive year

At Shireburn Software, we endeavor to provide the highest quality of products that exceed your business needs. Of equal importance to this mission is for us to ensure that Indigo's platform infrastructure is fully secure, reliable, and able to provide complete confidentiality of your data.

To meet this end, we contract Kyte Global, a company based in Malta, to subject Indigo through what is known in the industry as a "penetration test". This test consists of reviewing the practices, software and settings in attempts to circumvent any security provisions in the infrastructure or the application software.

The Indigo Suite underwent and successfully passed a penetration test in early October. This has earned Indigo a "Certificate of Testing" from Kyte Global, confirming that "no high-security weaknesses were discovered" in the Indigo platform.

You can view the 2020 penetration test certificate here.

You can read more about penetration testing here.

Indigo Payroll enhancements

  • You can now sort your leave history reports by employees' surnames. In the report set-up panel, choose Employee Surname under Sort Order.

  • Summarised detailed payroll reports can now be grouped by cost centre.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • Searching for pay items from the employee profile form will only show the relevant pay items in the respective pay item pop-up window. There were instances where all pay items were shown when users sought, for example, OT pay items.

  • An issue with missing fields following an export of the leave accruals report has been fixed.

  • Employee Portal users can generate a leave history report from their portal without error.

  • An issue where non-EU employees were reported as EU in the JobsPlus termination report has been fixed.

  • Errors produced when finalizing a payroll have been fixed.

  • The Shireburn Indigo logo appears in the footer of the FS3s as expected. There were instances where the logo appeared at the end of the FS3, causing the system to print superfluous pages.

  • All pay items are included in an exported pay items spreadsheet with the current view filter unticked as expected.

  • Filtering issues in the leave situation report after ticking multiple companies have been fixed.

  • Rounding and reporting issues in FS3s, FS5s, and FS7s as a result of tax overtime rules and COVID wage supplement calculations have been fixed.

  • In the Calendar module, an employee's employment anniversary will be marked by the original employment inserted in the employee profile as expected. If no original employment date is set, Indigo will use the employee's employment date instead.

  • Rounding issues in FS5s have been fixed.

  • Error messages produced after generating a detailed payroll report have been addressed and fixed. You should experience no issues in generating a detailed payroll report.

  • Issues with the direct credit generation pop-up window showing incorrect values despite the actual values being correct have been fixed.

  • The code field has been removed from breaks support files as they are not needed.

  • Filtering leave situation report by company works as expected; the report will include only employees for the selected company or companies.

Indigo Time & Attendance fixes and improvements

  • The text for clocking data import error messages have been enhanced for improved readability: warning messages are now in black text instead of yellow; errors are no longer concatenated but are instead itemised by line.

  • An issue where shifts were left unlocked in the Scheduler despite the user setting a "Block to" date has been fixed. Shifts should be locked up to the date set as expected.

  • Changing devices after an import clocking data file has been uploaded will not produce an error.

  • Problems with reconfiguring a clocking device while uploading a file have been fixed; cancelling the import of a clocking file for a newly created device will remove the new clocking device from the list as expected.

  • UI issues with the search icon superimposed on company selector dropdown menu have been fixed.

  • Field misalignment issues when adding leave entitlement rewards to a shift preset have been fixed.

  • An issue where fixing one issue in the Scheduler removed all warning labels on the screen has been fixed.

  • Cost centre descriptions are no longer trimmed in costings reports.

  • Timeout errors when recalculating allocations have been fixed.

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